Friday, June 18, 2010

Specifically Pacific, Salmon that is

When at the fish market or cold counter, there seems to be a array of salmon choices- Chinook, Coho, King, Copper River, and Sock Eye. So... what are the differences?

Here's a crash course in Oncorhynchus genus of the Salmonidae family, in which pacific salmon, trout, white fish, and graylings fall. The order is Salmoniformes, for all my aquaculture dorks out there.

--> Sock Eye: (Red) Oncorhynchus Nerka: Sockeye salmon have dark blue-black backs, silvery sides and white bellies. The average size is 6-9 pounds and are 4-5 years of age. The Sockeye's flesh is ruby red in color and is the most sought after salmon in Alaska due to it's wonderful flavor and color. The Sockeye run is second largest after the Pink Salmon Run. When Oncorhynchus Nerka is landlocked it's call Kokanee. Spawns in fall.

Chinook: (King) Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha: Chinook Salmon have a blueish-green back with silvery sides and a white belly and black spots on the back and tail and silver splashes in the tail. Chinook salmon range from 25-126 pounds and are 5-7 years of age. The flesh of the Chinook salmon is highly prized for it's rich salmon flavor and firm flesh. The natural numbers of wild King salmon is quite low compared to the other species of salmon, but is being managed to maintain the historical escapement goals and is in no way endangered in Alaska. Is both commercially harvested and is also a prize sport fish. Spawns in the fall, runs springm summer and fall.
Pink: (Humpies) Oncorhynchus Gorbuscha: Pink Salmon are bright steely-blue on their backs with silvery sides and large black spots on their backs and tail fin. The male Pink salmon develops a large hump on its back and hooked jaws before it spawns. Pink Salmon are the smallest of the Pacific salmon. The average weight is 3-5 pounds and mature at 2 years old. The flesh of the Pink salmon is a very light pink color and must be processed very quickly to retain the freshness. The Pink salmon is generally used for canning. Pinks also produces the largest havested numbers of salmon in Alaska. Spawns in fall.
Coho: (Silver) Oncorhynchus Kisutch: Coho Salmon are bright silver with small black spots on their backs and on the upper part of their caudal fin. The average weight is 6-12 pounds. The flesh of the Coho salmon is light pink and has a very delicate flavor. A very difficult salmon to keep fresh because of it's feeding habits. The flesh tends to soften very quickly unless dressed immediately after being caught. Spawns in fall.
Chum: (Dog) Oncorhynchus Keta: Chum Salmon have greenish-blue backs with silver splashes in the tail. It looks very similar to a Sockeye when ocean fresh. Chum or Keta range from 6-17 pounds and are mature at 3-6 years old. The Chum has very light colored flesh and is very mild in flavor. Spawns in fall.
Steelhead: (Rainbow Trout) Oncorhynchus mykiss: Run in both the Summer and Winter here in the Northwest. Rainbows are freshwater only, while Steelhead are anadromous (go to sea). They average between 8-11 pounds and make the anglers of this area disappear twice a year to the Clearwater, Salmon, Skagit, St. Joe Rivers and many others only to return when they got the big one. Spawns in Spring.
Coastal Cutthroat: (Sea Run Cut Throat) Oncorhynchus Clarki Clarki: Cutthroat trout usually have a distinctive red or orange streak under their lower jaw, which may not be as obvious when they are found in saltwater. Spawns in spring, up-river migration in summer and fall.
Welcome to your weekend! -KB
P.S. No matter the fish, they all taste GREAT on our Grilling Planks! Find them here at deep discounts!

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