Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Knox Spice Yummy Chicken Rub on Red Oak

"Tastes like chicken" is rarely a compliment. Chicken, while so easy to make unexceptional, is so hard to make memorable. So, how to make chicken yummy?
Outdoor Gourmet's three-fold path to poultry paradise...

-Season well - choose seasoning with fresh, high-quality ingredients.

-Be a cut above - pick the right pieces. I prefer thighs, wings or whole-roasted game hens.

-Plank it - duh! Planking infuses food with luscious flavor, while locking in the moisture. Food stays juicy and flavorful without packing on additional calories.
Putting these principles to use, I chose chicken thighs and a whole game hen. I seasoned it up right with Knox's Spice Company's Yummy Chicken Rub, which is made with fresh herbs, citrus, and coarse salt. The fresh, savory smell hits you the moment you crack that bottle.
Check out more of Knox Spice Comapany's
Dry Rubs, Spice Mixes, and Sauces: www.knoxspice.com
For the plank, I tried something new- Red Oak. When put to the heat, Red Oak smoke is full-bodied, smooth and buttery-rich.

First: Soak Outdoor Gourmet Red Oak Plank in water for at least 2 hours.

Then: Lightly rub chicken with olive oil. This will prevent the skin from sticking to the plank during the cooking process. Rub Chicken with Knox's Yummy Chicken Rub.

Next: Preheat grill to 500°, then place plank with chicken on grill and close the lid. Allow to smoke and smolder at 500° for 10 minutes, then lower the heat to 375°. Remove from grill when internal temperature reaches 160° and cover with foil.

Finally: Allow your chicken to rest for 10 minutes, remove foil and enjoy.

"Whoa! That's some seriously good chicken!" was the actual reaction of my test audience. Way better than "tastes like chicken."
Yummy Chicken!

Welcome to your Weekend! -KB